
2022-2-28_ Hello and happy healthy greetings to all of you! I know it has been awhile since you've heard from me aka The HealthCoachPaige but fear not.. I am back and loaded with terrific news for you.

I know that many of you are in a funk and may very well be feeling flabby and fearing the onset of warmer weather and less clothing. I also think that many of you may be sick and tired of the virtual realm...ya know zooming at work, school, home and EVERYWHERE EEEEEEEK! Knowing this, I have created a live class at Bodyrite Training that now meets weekly, every Monday for those individuals seeking permanent weight loss, and overall health betterment. This class will give you the community, support and accountability that is essential for long term success in your wellness journey.

I invite you to drop in anytime. Every session includes a weekly community journal review, nutrition coaching and a question and answer session as well as an awesome workout. Learn more about how your body works and how to eat in such a way that will get your body burning fat 24/7! Simply sign up for a class by visiting this Mindbody Link or download the Mindbody App to register. I look forward to helping you CRUSH your wellness dreams!

Paige Romanowski, CPT

Founder & Owner, Bodyrite Training

Certified Primal Health Coach


Visit our Website HERE

Learn about Bodyrite Lifestyle Program HERE



