It all begins with an idea.
2021-4-8_ Why are you so focused on losing weight? Rarely do I interact with a client that laments over their health status and wants to reverse insulin resistance. The concern is always short sighted, it's always..."Paige, how do I lose weight?" Quite frankly, that's the wrong question and that person will most likely fail at any attempt at weight loss and keeping the weight off for life. The reason why is simple, it's chronic consumption of nutrient poor food. Food restriction, calorie restriction, portion control etc. call it what you like-they are all guaranteed to fail you in the long term because your food quality sucks. The same thing is true of excessive fitness regimes as a means to lose weight; you won't ever get there because again-your food quality sucks. Calorie counting is an EPIC FAIL, both for your food habits and gym habits.
The health and wellness space is crowded with too much information, and in my opinion most of it is just incorrect. It's all about optics people and quite frankly the REAL message of health does not sell. People don't want to hear that regular consumption of grains, refined flours, seed oils, processed sugars and fake sugars compromise health, cause insulin resistance and clog up your body's ability to utilize fat as fuel. In order to reverse the harmful effects of fake food and for you that could be an autoimmune disorder, R.A., diabetes type 2, weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, migraine headaches the list goes on and on-you have to, you must, change the quality of your plate. Commit to only focusing on improving your health status through the power of nutrient dense food versus succumbing to the tireless and endless quest of weight loss methods via calorie restriction, portion control and excess fitness patterns. When you do what I say and trust the science versus what's trendy, well that's when the magic begins!
What is nutrient dense food you ask? The most nutrient dense foods are real food sources my friends like high quality protein sources from regenerative farms like my friends at White Oak Pastures located in Bluffton, GA, high quality saturated fats like coconut oil, avocados, eggs and grass fed butter or ghee and of course the least toxic plant foods that don't cause havoc in your system. Examples of a healthy plate:
3 soft boiled eggs cooked in ghee
1/2 avocado
1/2 mixed berries
Lunch or Dinner
Grass fed ribeye seasoned with mineral salt and topped with truffle butter
Medium baked sweet potato with grass fed butter
Side salad with lettuce, fresh grated parmesan, salt and fresh squeezed lemon
Get back to health, get away from the calorie counting in every respect. Focus on the nutrient quality of your plate, of every plate so that you are full in between meals. Also, focus on the productivity of your workouts versus however many calories you burned according to your FitBit and get into the sweet spot of what a Bodyrite Life is all about!
PS use PROMO CODE: BODYRITE to get 10% off your first awesome order with White Oak Pastures
to your health! xoxo Paige
Founder of Bodyrite Training
Certified Primal Health Coach
It all begins with an idea.
2021-4-21_ Chances are if you are overweight you are already suffering from some degree of insulin resistance whether you know it or not. And, to make matters's likely your physician isn't catching it either. The majority of adult Americans are contending with insulin resistance problems and sadly too many children are too. Poor food quality consumption is the culprit but despite weight gain and the long list of various health problems that go along with the excess pounds, people still consume bad food. day in and day out. Bad food is addictive and crowds most shelves in every grocery store, including Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Bad food is just bad, but food marketed (packaged, boxed or bagged) up as healthy or good food for us is still very very bad.
It is my strong feeling that there is a HUGE DISCONNECT between the cause and effect of food. In other words, people aren't thinking that calorie quality is directly impacting gene expression. Quite simply, consumption of nutrient dense food that has been in our diets since the beginning of time expresses good genes. Manufactured, processed and fake food consumption loaded with vegetable oils, refined flours and sugar that has been on the rise since the 1970's expresses bad genes. With increased consumption of vegetable oils, refined carbohydrates and sugar, we also see the rise of obesity, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers etc. Are you making the connection yet? Bad food consumption drives excess insulin production which over time leads to poor health and disease.
Insulin is the hormone you should be paying attention to in regard to weight control and health(and disease control quite frankly!). And as I stated earlier, insulin runs high in most people that are overweight or diabetic type 2. Here are some facts to help you better understand the power that insulin signaling has in your body:
insulin rises fast depending on signals from you gut post prandial
can be controlled amazingly through food selections
high refined carbohydrate intake PROVOKES production
non-sleep, stress, lack of sunlight exposure and gut issues can disrupt insulin levels
Insulin is the boss of glucose in our bodies and ushers glucose into cells to be used as energy. Insulin is also in charge of glucagon which has a huge impact on glucose production and distribution. And finally, insulin is directly in control of your bodies ability to burn fat. Fake food consumption, over consumption and excess calorie consumption (they are typically nutrient poor quality) drive insulin production which in turn stunts fat burning. Over time, chronically elevated insulin levels cause insulin resistance. And just so you know, diabetes type 2 is the byproduct of long term insulin resistance. High insulin levels and of course insulin resistance drive metabolic syndrome. Below are some criteria the WHO and other health organizations centralize on for criteria of metabolic syndrome:
large waist size
high blood pressure
high blood sugar
low HDL
high triglycerides (fats in your blood)
What's missing in this list is insulin values which is at the core of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and diabetes 2 which is so crazy. It's a simple blood test which tells you so much! In the words of Ivor Cummins, measuring insulin "...would raise many awkward questions around the cholesterol dogma and our current approach to managing chronic disease. Also, there are no sale-able drugs that really tackle the problem of high insulin." In addition to these guidelines, I recommend checking your blood glucose value. My research shows that a good range to be in for fasting blood glucose (and there are exceptions to the rule, particularly athletes) would be 54-100 mg/dL. Additionally, calculating your HOMA (homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance) would be helpful in clueing you in on your level of insulin resistance if any. All you need for this value is your fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin values, these tests you can request from your doctor or order yourself. Click on this link to access HOMA calculator . But again, an obvious indcator of whether you are suffering from a little bit of insulin resistance or a lot would be your body fat percentage or quite simply taking a peek at your waistline.
I am a huge advocate of self ownership when it comes to our health. In other words, health ownership. Knowledge is power and I am on high alert and constant pursuit. Recognizing and understanding that eating and drinking poor quality calories directly impacts our health status in real time is essential for our health betterment and protection. Knowing who the bad guys are and who the good guys are and of course doing something about it will reverse insulin resistance and many of the harmful effects of poor food consumption and weight gain.
If you suffer from insulin resistance or are overweight or just want to improve your health then I STRONGLY RECOMMEND participating in my 6-week health centered program known as FITCAMP. I will teach you how to build a healthy plate and ease your body into fat burning mode! In this live community setting you will have tremendous accountability and support in removing foods that are addictive and changing behavior patterns that are stunting your fat burn. Please visit my website Bodyrite Training to learn more or to reserve your awesome opportunity to optimize your health!
Bodyrite Training is a tremendous community to become a part of as we are more than just a gym, we are a lifestyle brand advocating for our client's health betterment! Movement matters, but it's essential to pay attention to food quality as well as other lifestyle practices that impact our health!
-to your Health! xoxo Paige
It all begins with an idea.
2021-4-29_ Is your food frequency on fleek? On overload? Or is it about to combust? What the heck is Paige talking about now you ask? What I"m talking about is exactly that...your food often are you taking in calories throughout the day? Eating throughout the day, eating multiple smaller meals throughout the day or even grazing all afternoon (as some call it) is no bueno. Maybe your'e doing this because you were under the impression that it was helping your metabolism and keeping you in "fat burning mode." Wrong! Maybe you're doing it because of boredom or stress or even good ole fashion hunger. I challenge you to stop and take these reasons into consideration.
Last week I talked about insulin resistance and the many complications that come along with chronically elevated insulin levels. Regardless of calorie quality, insulin levels will rise every time you eat something and this is normal. How high those insulin levels rise is dependent on the quality and type of food that you are eating. THIS IS WHY EATING PROCESSED FOOD IS HARMFUL FOR LONG TERM HEALTH. If you are obese or have diabetes type 2...insulin levels run high anyway so eating a poor quality meal only contributes more to the problem. Taking in more carbohydrates or eating a carbohydrate laden meal provokes a big rise in insulin also. Poor sleep, stress, smoking, lack of sun exposure and gut issues are also contributing factors to elevated insulin levels.
What you eat and how often you eat absolutely matters in relation to keeping your insulin levels low, and trust me that needs to be your focal point. Insulin is at the heart of weight gain, it is at the heart of every modern disease and it is the key factor in longevity. Pursuits will be difficult and likely fail if you try to eliminate the practice of eating constantly when the quality of your calories remain poor. It's crucial to address satiety when minimizing food frequency and in order to successfully do this we must address the quality of your plate.
In other words, you must shift from a nutrient poor diet to a nutrient rich one. Stick to whole food sources high in healthy saturated fats, protein and packed with nutrients like farm fresh eggs, grass fed butter, avocados, wild seafood and grass fed grass finished red meat. Ditch a diet comprised of highly processed foods and transition to a more species appropriate diet focused on high quality protein sources, healthy fats and the least toxic plant foods. In doing so not only will you naturally start eating fewer meals throughout the day thanks to satiety, but your insulin rises will not be as high post prandial and over time your fasting blood glucose levels will lower (which is excellent!). Additionally, lowering your insulin will also lower your body fat and improve overall body composition, how exciting is that!
Reconnect the disconnect prevalent in our society that disassociates the direct cause and effect our food and beverage choices have on our health status. We are what we eat and for best results eating a species appropriate diet that centers around food sources we have consumed since the beginning of time is crucial for optimal health.
To Your Health! xo the health coach paige
It all begins with an idea.
2021-5-20_ Grains are packaged in all shapes and sizes, tastes and textures all in an effort to get us to consume them in abundance. What you need to know is that regular consumption of grains harm you health and break your fat burn. Regardless of what we have learned about the harmful effects of grains and refined flours as a regular staple in our dietary practices, we still consume them day in and day out without fear and with abandonment. Let me help pave the way to better practices in an effort to improve your health!
Despite the rise in obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's people still question why this is when the answer is sitting right on our plates with BIG RED BLINKING LIGHTS. It's our diet people! The S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) recommendations suggest that 60% of our diet is to be comprised of carbohydrates with very little emphasis on healthy fats and protein. Grains play a big part in this 60% and it begins with our first meal of the day, breakfast! The American Breakfast is saturated with grains in the form of cereal, toast, bagels, english muffins, pastries etc. Our primal ancestors however only consumed about 5% of their calories from carbohydrates and a stunning 75% from fat! And guess what, they were free of disease! Dr. David Perlmutter, author of "Grain Brain" makes an incredibly strong case linking grain consumption to Alzheimer's. Did you know that Alzheimer's is now being classified as a third type of diabetes?
Chronically elevated insulin levels lead to inflammation and insulin resistance. Inflammation and insulin resistance can be linked to every modern disease. Eliminating grains and refined flours of all kinds and sorts from your diet is a great starting point in turning your health status around because after all, we already know that chronic consumption of grains and refined flours compromises health and leads to inflammation.
Grains are a cheap nutrient poor source of calories that can be easily converted into glucose. As a result, grains turn up insulin production and as aforementioned contain anti-nutrients that wreak havoc in our digestive systems and immune function. Grains like rice pasta, bread, corn, cereal, millet, rye, oats barley. crackers, cakes, cookies, snack foods, baked goods etc. should all be yanked from your diet and if consumed, on the very rare and special occasion. For example, leaky gut has a widespread list of symptoms caused by ingestion of pro inflammatory agents like lectins, phytates, saponins and gluten. This anti nutrients can be found in grains. Here are just a few of them: celiac disease, autoimmune, allergies, skin problems, depression, asthma, fatigue, joint problems, muscle aches cognitive issues like ADHD, metabolic problems and obesity to name a few.
Maybe you are tolerating grains and refined flours on the surface of things but that doesn't mean that negative reactions within your body aren't occurring. Maybe your reactions are mild like abdominal distention, gas or mild arthritis thanks to the regular ingestion of that useless roll or slice of bread every day. Rather than reaping the enormous benefit of eliminating grains and refined flours from our diets, we still commonly resort to antacids or prescription drugs to deal with digestive issues. Medications of course mask the symptoms of discomfort, fail correcting the root cause of the issue and potentially compromising our bodies natural healing mechanisms. Why not just cut grains off your plates for good? The cost to you is free and the benefits are multifaceted!
I challenge you to kick the grain habit for good. Eliminating grains from my diet when I was in my late 20's was the beginning of my health transformation. It was the first time I began to really connect the dots between the cause and effect of food and experienced immediate health benefits in making this shift. I replaced the void of bread or pasta on my plate with more protein. As a result, my brain fog lifted, low energy in the middle of the day was replaced with vitality, my skin improved and I dropped some body fat. Below are some links to some terrific books that will help you make the jump to going grain free for good!
Grain Brain
Why We Get Fat
The Paleo Solution
To your health! xoxo paige
It all begins with an idea.
2021-6-10- It's hard for me not to lose my !*@? when working out at a commercial gym. I know that 90% of the people killing themselves in their workouts are doing so in the hopes of losing weight and this to me is not only frustrating but saddening too. Weight loss has to begin and end with food quality. Exercise just won't get you there.
Since the inception of Bodyrite Training 10 plus years ago, I have always focused my efforts and my client's attentions on food quality, that was how I got my edge and differentiated myself from the other trainers just selling fitness. In order to look strong, in order to look tone one has to get lean and lose the excess body fat. Doing crunches and other core exercises WILL NEVER earn you a flat stomach.
I'm gonna sound like a broken record here but it's true-first and foremost you must remove all grains from your diet. To learn more about why you don't want these in your diet this book is a game changer: Grain Brain. You don't need the inflammation, you don't need the chemicals and you certainly don't need the rise in insulin. Second, kick out all seed oils from your diet and as mentioned in prior blogs there are eight of them and here is the helpful link to learn more about why these are terrible for your health The Hateful Eight. Finally, all refined flours and sugars need to go as well. You may be thinking "so what the heck am I supposed to eat?" The answer is simple: protein, fat and the least toxic plant foods.
Food quality has to change first in order to improve your health status and begin lighting the fires of fat burning. Below take a look at this easy meal plan to follow and get you started:
Another final factor that will get you more result than any core exercise is carbohydrate reduction. The Standard American Diet advises that 60% of our nutrition should come from carbohydrates, no wonder why over 500 million Americans are insulin resistance. So what's the sweet spot in terms of macros? To get started, reduce your carbohydrate intake down to 100 grams per day. Eventually you will want to get down to about 50 grams of carbohydrates per day especially if you start to plateau. Give your body time to adapt to all of these changes particularly withdrawing from grains and sugars. Expect some symptoms like fatigue, lethargy, moodiness, headaches and possible body aches in the first couple of days but they should pass. Focus on the quality of your plate starting with three meals per day and shaving them down to two. No snacking of course and by all means dine on your favorite animal based proteins and fats (like butter, cheese, eggs, avocados and bone broth)
Exercise is a wonderful addition to your Bodyrite Life but food quality and frequency is what is going to have the biggest impact in turning your health status around for the better and improving your body composition. I am excited to announce the release of my Bodyrite Food is Medicine Cookbook. In it you will find healthful tips and fun with delicious tasting and low carbohydrate meal options for anytime of the day. Click here to purchase The Bodyrite Cookbook
Happy Eating! xoxo paige
It all begins with an idea.
2021-6-23_ For those of you that know me, know that I am a purist-especially when talking about lifestyle practices. I don't subscribe to what is popular or trendy. I don't take short cuts, I prefer the hard road so to speak. I am a big fan of authenticity. So when I hear people talking about going "keto" or getting into "ketosis" I kind of cringe. The backbone of what a true ketogenic diet is has been dismantled and replaced with food that is processed, loaded with sugar alcohols and an overabundance of fat. A true ketogenic diet should not include food in a box or in a bag. A true ketogenic diet should not include baked goods and sweets. A true ketogenic diet is not permission to stuff your face with and overabundance of nuts or nut butters and it's certainly not about bombing your coffee with butter and heavy cream. So suspend what you think you know about keto and let me share with you what truly is a ketogenic diet.
First and foremost, the founding fathers of the Keto World are Dr. Steve Phinney and Dr. Jeff Volek. Together they wrote the groundbreaking book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living. This is a terrific read and the ultimate resource for going "keto," nobody else is really worth listening to on the topic quite frankly because these guys are the OG. Let's rewind a little bit and break down the basics of what the hype is all about.
Getting into a state of ketosis is all about fat burning plain and simple. The only way to ignite your body's fat burning fires is carbohydrate restriction and managing food frequency. Sounds easy but it's not, especially when we consider the influential nature of our hunger hormones: specifically leptin and ghrelin. These guys have to be dealt with properly in order for you to be successful on keto. The quality of your plate must change in order to convert your metabolic machinery from sugar burning to fat burning. And how do you do that you ask? Well, the answer is simple, food elimination!
Sugar of all kinds has to go and this includes artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols of every kind. Sweetened beverages are never okay so say goodbye to them! Grains of every kind and there are just too many to name but they gotta go too. Industrial seed oils aka polyunsaturated oils need to be eliminated, check out Dr. Cate Shanahan's list here to learn more The Hateful Eight. And of course all processed foods, low fat or nonfat dairy, frozen meals, protein bars and snacky foods must go. This is likely to be a huge shift for you, but it's an important one to make because all of these food products create un-health in your body and block your fat burn.
So now that we have wiped your plate clean, it's time to replace nutrient poor food food with nutrient dense food that will light up your fat burning fires. Here's a basic list for you to reference Keto Friendly Foods. So as you can see, eating real whole food is what a truly ketogenic diet is all about. Keep in mind that a single, high carbohydrate mean can knock you out of ketosis for up to a week! So don't give into "cheat meals." You may find that a meal loaded with high quality protein, delicious fats like eggs and avocados keep you pretty full and happy for many hours. This is a great thing because real food creates satiety which means your have properly dealt with leptin and ghrelin. Eating three meals a day will eventually come to and end simply because you aren't truly hungry for three meals. So getting into ketosis involves changing the quality of your plate number one but also controlling your food frequency number two. This is a topic I touched upon already in a prior blog so check it out but you definitely want to eliminate the practice of snacking and eating mini meals. Getting down to two meals per day is highly advised and even begin experimenting with 24 hour fasting.
If you follow my advice you will get into ketosis in no time! Ideally you will need to get your carbohydrates down to below 50 grams per day in order for your body to metabolize fat and for your liver to manufacture ketones. Ketones are know as the fifth fuel for the brain, the heart and muscles. They burn clean in the body and more efficiently than glucose. Because of the brain boosting power that ketones provide, the ketogenic diet is an effective strategy for treating diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Autism. Those who go keto report an increase in mental clarity and focus, likely due to improved blood circulation and oxygen delivery in the brain. Stable flows of energy, cognitive function and insulin lowering are just some of the benefits of practicing a ketogenic diet. Our bodies do their best work in periods of non-food or in a fasted state.
I challenge you to move toward the direction of a ketogenic diet for a month to a three month period of time. I don't recommend long term keto, but certainly in the short term the benefits are tremendous! Happy eating!
It all begins with an idea.
2021-6-24__ What defines true healthfulness? Do you consider yourself to be healthy? How do you know that you are? The health and wellness space is a confusing place in my opinion not to mention and over crowded one too. The definitions aren't clear and the road map guiding us to our destination has too many routes. So how do you know? Well let me help you along in your journey towards health betterment and what tools to use to assess your health status.
A good place to start initially is cleaning up your dietary practices and removing the biggest offenders that cause inflammation, raise insulin and block your body's fat burning mechanisms. Without a doubt you must remove toxic seed oils from your life. Cooking more often at home and most often with animal based fats is the sweet spot for improving metabolic health and lighting up your fat burning fires. Second to that would be total removal of all grains and refined flours from your plate. And finally, kicking out processed sugars and fake sugars is a win win for health betterment and weight loss.
For those of you that actually read my blog know that a healthy plate is made up of high quality protein, fats and the least toxic plant foods. Snacking is no longer a part of your daily routine and hopefully you are eating two meals per day and dropping the occasional 24 hour fast when you feel good and ready too. This is where health betterment begins. Reducing food frequency and increasing the quality of your plate will not only lower insulin levels over time but also dramatically improve body composition.
Ok, so what else? Well quite simply let's lift up that shirt and take a look at that waistline. Do you have belly fat? And if you do, how long has it been hanging around? Excess abdominal fat translates into insulin resistance. You could be moderately insulin resistant or very insulin resistant. Regardless, you need to change your food strategy in order to lower insulin and get your body functioning the way the gods intended it to-burning body fat and utilizing you fat as fuel.
Another benchmark that will help you determine you level of health is a simple test you can request. An easy, non-invasive and not too expensive test that will assess your overall health and cardiac risk is a CAC scan. The cost is generally around $150. Essentially, it's a cat scan of the heart and many studies show that your CAC score can predict death from all causes better than death from coronary disease. Basically, it provides a glimpse of disease progression . A score of 0 is excellent, a score between 1 and 80 is concerning which means it's time to take some action and finally a score between 81 and 400 is life threatening so act now!
There are lots of fun blood tests that you can order through your doctor or from a lab online that I will be talking about in a future blogs. Trust me, you do not want to be a victim of our sick care system. Instead, take ownership of your health and understand how to interpret some of these important markers of disease progression and insulin resistance. Living a healthy lifestyle is not complicated nor expensive, but it does require sacrifice, discipline and awareness. I prefer spending my days in the sun, participating in activities that I love amongst family and friends versus hanging out in exam rooms, hospital beds and rehab centers. It all starts and ends with the quality of your plate!
to you health! xo paige
It all begins with an idea.
2022-2-28_ Hello and happy healthy greetings to all of you! I know it has been awhile since you've heard from me aka The HealthCoachPaige but fear not.. I am back and loaded with terrific news for you.
I know that many of you are in a funk and may very well be feeling flabby and fearing the onset of warmer weather and less clothing. I also think that many of you may be sick and tired of the virtual realm...ya know zooming at work, school, home and EVERYWHERE EEEEEEEK! Knowing this, I have created a live class at Bodyrite Training that now meets weekly, every Monday for those individuals seeking permanent weight loss, and overall health betterment. This class will give you the community, support and accountability that is essential for long term success in your wellness journey.
I invite you to drop in anytime. Every session includes a weekly community journal review, nutrition coaching and a question and answer session as well as an awesome workout. Learn more about how your body works and how to eat in such a way that will get your body burning fat 24/7! Simply sign up for a class by visiting this Mindbody Link or download the Mindbody App to register. I look forward to helping you CRUSH your wellness dreams!
Paige Romanowski, CPT
Founder & Owner, Bodyrite Training
Certified Primal Health Coach
Visit our Website HERE
Learn about Bodyrite Lifestyle Program HERE
It all begins with an idea.
Magnesium deficiency is common in most individuals and you don't want to be one of them!
This essential mineral is key for immunity and optimal health. Multiple studies show that individuals with insulin resistance have lower levels of magnesium. Evidence also suggests that adequate magnesium supplementation helps lower insulin in subjects without diabetes. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Low levels of magnesium can cause immune deficiency and oxidative stress! It is extremely difficult to get adequate magnesium just by eating whole foods like nuts, seeds and leafy greens and man have l earned this truth in my own wellness journey the hard way which is why I am telling you to keep reading and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Thanks to soil depletion and food preparation magnesium is tough to acquire indirectly...also thanks to:
insulin resistance
metabolic syndrome
these factors impact our magnesium supply and can deplete our stores. So yes, you guessed it-the more you stress the more you deplete magnesium and the cycle goes round and round. It's difficult to meet the RDA by just eating good whole food because many diseases linked to insulin resistance like diabetes and heart failure along with various medications and general aging can also increase magnesium loss. So what can you do about it?
Well for starters, a simple fix would be to incorporate more high quality red meat into your diet.
SIDENOTE: I highly recommend purchasing grass fed grass finished animal products from my favorite 6th generation REGENERATIVE FARM known as White Oak Pastures (use PROMO CODE BODYRITE to get 10% OFF your first order)..their website is easy to navigate and they ship right to your door, AMAZING!
I know I know what you are are thinking, as a health coach I hear it all the time..."my doctor told me to reduce my red meat intake because of my cholesterol." It's likely that ALL OF US have been told that foods like red meat, eggs, and bacon raise our cholesterol levels. This idea is so deeply implanted in our cultural subconscious that few people even question it. But is it really true? Guess what, back In 2015, our government discreetly revised dietary guidelines and ditched the strict limit on cholesterol that had been in place since the 1960s because newer evidence didn’t support an association between eating cholesterol in the diet and heart disease. It's likely that strict limits on saturated fat will be dropped in the future. And just so you know, a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials of low-carb diets (which tend to be high in saturated fat) have shown that they have beneficial impacts on several cardiovascular disease risk markers, including body weight, triglycerides, fasting glucose, blood pressure, body mass index, abdominal circumference, plasma insulin, HDL cholesterol, and C-reactive protein. So in sum, don't be scared of eating more red meat!
Some plant foods, like pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts and leafy greens have good amounts of magnesium in them but I have concerns in regard to the plant toxicity of these food sources and how much our bodies can actually absorb these helpful minerals and nutrients in the presence of phytates and lectins. So another alternative would be supplementation in the form of a pill or powder. I take my magnesium supplement in the evening closer to lights out time because magnesium does promote relaxation and stress relief because it is necessary in order for our bodies to produce serotonin! Click here to learn more about the RDA recommendations but my research indicates that it's really hard to OD on magnesium, so depending on your dietary practices it's likely that you may need up to 500mg/day.
We are all a work in progress myself included! Protecting and optimizing our health is priority number one for me and as a Primal Certified Health Coach and Nutrition Educator, health centered programs like FITCAMP and the Bodyrite 21 Day Reset are all about clearing the path of confusion and paving the way towards health betterment. I warmly invite you to have a conversation with me!
Own your health!
xoxo Paige Romanowski, CPT, Founder of Bodyrite Training
It all begins with an idea.
I am super excited to talk with you about my favorite super supplement! Bone broth has been a staple in my diet for 10 years now which means if I am not drinking it daily my broth is added to dishes for flavor and nutrition purposes. And no, I'm not referring to the crap available in your local grocery store. I am talking about slow cooked, for many many and then some many more hours in a slow cooker or dutch oven kinda broth.
Why do I go to all this trouble you ask? Well, bone broth crushes the competition when it comes to supplementing with collagen pills, bone marrow pills or fat burning pills. The nutrient density of slow cooked broth, primarily beef broth from grass fed grass finished sources makes a home made, or Bodyrite Bone Broth Broth the champion of all supplements and here's why:
broth is loaded with essential amino acids like glycine, glutamine and proline
broth contains vitamins and minerals
broth pulls rich nutrients like collagen, cartilage, bone and even marrow from the slow cooking process
broth is packed with saturated fat (a very very good thing!)
Here's the thing, the robustness and well being of our joints and our skin depends on the health of our collagen stores contained in ligaments, tendons and on the ends of bones. Slow cooked broths or soups hold court for the family of biomolecules known as glycosaminoglycans which help support our joint health when consumed regularly. Glucosamine, which is also a member of the glycosaminoglycans family, can also stimulate the production of new healthy collagen and repair damaged joints, how amazing is that! Unfortunately, modern food combined with a fast paced lifestyle doesn't allow time for preparing anything slow which is why most people are chronically ill versus chronically healthy (S.A.D. +STRESS+POOR SLEEP QUALITY+SEDENTARY HABITS=UNHEALTH).
Additionally, the collagen in broth supports the health of our hair, skin and nails which is why I prefer drinking broth versus supplementation with powders or pills. As Dr. Cate Shanahan points out in her book, "Deep Nutrition," vitamins and minerals tend to work best in synergy with one another as opposed to taking them individually on their own. And...the best way to achieve that end is through the consumption of whole food. Bone broth, has not only collagen, but also bone marrow and cartilage as well so it's a one stop shop when sipping your medicine instead of swallowing it.
Finally, I will leave you with this. Regular consumption of high quality bone broth, AKA Bodyrite Bone Broth, is an excellent practice for overall health. The quality and source of the bones matter of course, which is why my bone broth is brewed from grass fed and grass finished sourced bones. Because broth is loaded with saturated fat, it will speak to those powerful hunger hormones that may be causing you to snack and consume nutrient poor, health harming calories throughout the day. Adding a cup of bone broth to your breakfast or lunch will fill you right up and take years off your skin and heal those achy joints over time.
Bodyrite Bone Broth will be available for purchase at our location in Jamesport, NY. Currently, we have one size offering that being 32 ounces for just $15. One jar will get you 16 cups of broth if dosing with 4 ounces of broth and 4 ounces of distilled water. Our brew is so thick and delicious you will want to cut it with water anyway. We are taking pre-orders as well, just email us at, and yes of course discounts are offered for bulk orders.
happy brewing and sipping my friends, as always to your health! xoxo paige